Take Advantage of Your Birthday Freebies

A number of chain businesses in the United States offer discounts or free food and drink for customers in honor of their birthday. In order to redeem an offer for a free meal or beverage, you will need to register for an email list or download an app. This is a minor inconvenience for what is, in some cases, quite a worthwhile treat! Here are some birthday freebies that I have taken advantage of recently: Denny's After registering to receive emails from Denny's, you will receive an offer to a free Grand Slam breakfast. This meal can be customized from a list of breakfast menu items, including pancakes, toast, home fries, sausage, bacon, and eggs. This offer can be redeemed any time during your birthday month - you won't miss out if you have other plans for your special day. Once you are part of the email club, you also receive 20% off all future meals at Denny's, which sounds like a great deal if that is one of your regular haunts. Dunkin If you have the Dunkin...